Private Events

FAQs about booking a Private Event with us.

What does the space look like?
We have a single large room with an outdoor patio available during the warmer months.

Is closing the space necessary?
We do not require a booking fee if you want to just bring your party into Common House. If you would like to host a casual birthday, happy hour drinks, wedding welcome party at the space - we do not require you to close the space for your event.

Why book a private event?
If you would like to CLOSE Common House to the public and only have your party in the space, we require a deposit as well as a bar minimum. We do NOT host rehearsal dinners in our space as we are not equipped for a sit down dinner. A deposit & bar minimum is required no matter the size of your party.

What is best for booking at Common House?
The best way to enjoy our space is by hosting a Welcome Party at Common House.

Can you accommodate food or snacks?
Yes! We would recommend 4 & 20 blackbirds or Boda’s Kitchen for your catering needs.

Get in touch.

We are excited to host your party or event! Fill out the form to your right & we will get back to you ASAP.